Our office is available to you to solve all of life’s situations in the fields of civil, family, administrative and, especially, real estate law. We will help you solve the problems you are worried about; we will ensure trouble-free transactions and we will negotiate with your counterpart before involving the courts and administrative authorities, on your behalf.
In the event of complications, we always first seek an amicable solution, which is more efficient, less time consuming, and less costly. We are not a law firm that drives the client into litigation under any circumstances. We always look for amicable solutions and only if there is no agreement achieved, we give you a clear recommendation on whether to attend court proceedings.
– Comprehensive legal advice online and in person –
The early advice of an attorney saves you time and money
The Law Firm is situated in Prague’s city centre, at Opletalova 55 in the Business Centre Agathis (4th floor) and is easily accessible by car or public transport.