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Attorney’s Fee

Law firm

Attorney’s Fee

The attorney’s fee and reimbursement of cash expenses depend on the specific circumstances of each individual case and are agreed individually while taking into account the value of the subject of the legal services, the difficulty of the case, the possible requirement to use a foreign language and other specifics of the case. For the fast processing of the case, the price of the legal services shall not increase, it is a matter of course. The price of the provided legal services or the method of its determination is always negotiated in advance.

We offer the following variants of the fee for the provision of legal services:

1/ Non-contractual fee

If the contractual fee has not been agreed with the client, the prices for the provision of the legal services are governed by the legal counsel tariff – Degree of Ministry of Justice No. 177/1996 Coll., on commission and compensations to attorneys at law for provision of legal services.

2/ Contractual fee

Hourly fee – the total fee is determined by multiplying the agreed hourly rate and number of hours spent in the provision of legal services for a particular client. A rough estimate of the number of hours is determined at an initial meeting with the client. The client is charged for the actual time spent for each commenced quarter hour.

Lump sum for the legal services – a fee is determined as a lump sum for the settlement of the case regardless of the number of time-consuming tasks and legal service operations. This type of fee is particularly suitable for comprehensive legal services provided to business corporations or for the complex processing of a client’s transaction (for example the transfer of real estate, negotiation with the Land Registry and related operations). The monthly lump sum fee paid to the attorney has its advantages, especially in its efficiency for the client, since it is significantly lower than if the representation by the attorney is negotiated case by case or the attorney is employed directly.

In addition to the fee, the client is charged for the real expenses incurred in connection to the provided legal service
(for example travel expenses, court and administrative fees, reimbursement for loss of time, the cost of translations, expert opinions etc.).